Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Let the numbers do the talking

Let the numbers do the talking
We already knew transaction fees were a major barrier to growth for small to medium sized enterprises seeking to trade internationally.  So we weren’t surprised when a survey we commissioned from YouGov in the UK confirmed it.  
Of those surveyed, almost 50% of small to medium sized enterprises in the UK who trade internationally said transaction fees were a key concern; and 43% who transacted using debit or credit cards were also worried about the associated costs.
That’s why digital currencies, and LEOcoin in particular, are proving particularly attractive to emerging start-ups and entrepreneurs - because there are no intermediaries charging commissions.  The numbers speak for themselves:  we’ve now got a staggering 150,000 entrepreneurs worldwide actively using LEOcoin and over 3,000 merchants around the world have agreed to accept LEOcoins as payment.
Our survey, which questioned  1,102 senior decision makers in UK SMEs (up to 249 employees), also revealed, however, that there was reluctance to using a digital currency . We believe that’s because, up until now, the complexity and inaccessibility of digital currencies has discouraged take up.
And that’s the opportunity for LEOcoin.  The gap between those businesses worried about transaction fees and yet reluctant to use a digital currency is the gap we believe LEOcoin will fill. It is designed to make life easier for entrepreneurs who want to trade internationally but have to put up with very high transaction costs. Our message to them and their customers is that there is a better way of doing business.  The LEOcoin way.

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